SPECIAL NOTE: Adjusting the height adjuster upwards and using our lids, allows the adding of additional pressure to the contents by the lid without interfering with the airlock system. NO WEIGHT SYSTEM can come close to the power our unit puts out in keeping contents where they should be!
"Pickle*Pushing No-Float Jar*Packer" is the backbone of our system. It is unique in that it serves many purposes during the fermentation and storage periods while removing most of the problems normally encountered. Rookies have reported to us that their sucess rate was nearly that of their veteren friends and all delighted in the reduced labor and spoilage by fermenting and processing in the same container.
Using our system does save time money and also turns out a much more eye appealing product in the process. It will dramatically increase the refridgerator shelf life of your opened jars as well by adjusting the height adjuster and forcing the remaining contents back under the remaining liquid. Floaties beware!